It was very annoyed that the turtles we keep in the environment without
the soil such as apartment houses lay eggs. It is a big problem how we deal with such turtles' egg lying.I introduce you a turtle loving friend, who found her own nice ways of making her two lovely turtles, Chichi & Funk lay eggs and enjoy her life with them. We can feel her love for turtles in the ways. I hope you also find your own way for making your turtles lay eggs and have a happy life with your lovely turtles. <Profile of Chichi & Funk> Their owner, has been keeping both of them for 9 years since January,1998.
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Chichi always lays eggs in this spot in one-two weeks after she stops eating and begins to rage. Her owner put a storage box with sand and use magazines as stairs in the room before she found this way. But she was worried that the room became gritty because turtle,Chichi climbed to and got down from the box. Then she find the eggs Chichi laid between the box and magazines, not in the sand. It gave her an idea that Chichi might not need any sand if only it is a ditch or a hole. And she got this idea as a result of repeating trial and error. The owner often helps Chichi to take her foot around of the hole because it's difficult for Chichi to turn her foot to the hole by herself. Even Chichi which doesn't like to be touched comes to permit her owner's help because she wants to lay eggs when ten days or more passed. It's a detailed explanation of how to make this unique spawning spot for Chichi by her follows.
She can't fill the hole in this her spot. So I take her on the floor where towels was paved after I make her act look like burying the soil in her spot for a while ( about 5 minutes). She continues to do gesture like burying the hole. I leave her there until she feels with burying. She stops burying there in about one and a half hours and walks to her tank. ![]()
while she is digging on the carpet hardly. And I put Funk which is digging hardly on the container soon. She begins dig hardly again soon though she stops digging for a while and looks to have doubts a little. And she lays eggs easily in 3-4 days after she stopped eating and began to act for laying. Her gesture of filling the soil is almost the same as Chichi as I have said above. A little difference in the case of Funk is that I always add a picnic sheet over the towel because it's covered with sand. ![]() ![]() Both Chichi and Funk won't lay their eggs in other way each other. So both
2 ways I introduced here are their own ways. At the summer of 2006, Chichi laid 44 eggs in total of 5 times, and Funk laid as many as 51 eggs in total of 6 times. Good work, Chichi & Funk ! Thanks Chichi & Funk and their owner, who showed us nice ways of laying eggs. ![]() ![]() The improved idea by in the summer of 2007 improved her ideas for Chichi and Fluke's egg laying after trial and error in the summer of 2007 About Chichi tried to stuff the newspaper that tore in pieces into the hole instead of a towel because Chichi seemed to be nervous when removed the towel of the picture 3 above.
About Funk She makes a tapping noise on the floor with her side shell when she strolls in the house because she has handicap in the hinder legs as you know. So tried to tied a handkerchief to her shell for the anti-noise as you see this picture. Then it made only anti-noise also made Fluke's egg laying smoothly. Handkerchief might stimulate the sense of her dull hinder legs and help for her egg laying. Tying handkerchief makes her egg laying easily whenever she can't keep her mind in the egg laying.
which has handicap. How wonderful it is ! Both are nice ideas that values turtle's feelings. . Chichi laid 40 eggs (5 times) and Funk 47 eggs (7 times) during summer of 2007 , and they have finished their egg laying in this year at the end of July already. Both of them broke their record in egg laying frequency this year.
![]() ![]() The report of their egg laying from Chichi & Funk 2009 Chichi & Funk let us know about their egg laying of this year. At the end of March, Funk and at the beginning of April Chichi began to act for egg laying. And both of them have already finished egg laying four times. About symptom that their egg laying activity start.
Improvement of the Fluke's space for egg laying In Fluke's space that had been used up to now some of sand scatters by her legs caught on the edge of the Jar before she start scratching there. Then, her owner put on corrugated paper that cut hole at first. But it's not good. She try to set the bottle in the hole next. But Funk didn't still lay eggs after she clawed there for about an hour there. Because she looked to not to like smaller hole than usual one. Then her owner put her usual jar on it. So she began to scratch there and laid eggs at last. The picture below is her appearance at that time. Her usual jar may be just good for her which always digs the hole tracing the edge of the Jar by her legs. (Right picture is seeing the same box from side.) Her owner pick up her and put on the box quickly when she fell down from the box. The handkerchief on her shell is always fashionable.
Improvement of the size of the hole in Kick's space. The size of hole of paper changed smaller than usual one so that she can feel the sense that breaks papers by herself.(Left) Right is the picture of Chichi which is burying back the pieces of the broken paper to the hole after laying eggs.It makes us impressed that she tries to return back even pieces of paper.
Idea that use smell that stimulates egg laying Turtles will often sniff when they find laying places as you know. Kick's favorite things, her interested things in laying time are clear specially. They are newspapers, a bag knit with hemp yarn, and cardboard box for a iron. ( Though she isn't interested in the newspaper that leave expanding during one night because its smell has been already lost.) Getting a hint from this, Kick's owner gave us & our turtles a wonderful proposal. It's an idea of giving them cheap & small straw carpet instead of straw mats of the room. Do you feel that there are some common features among newspaper, a hemp bag, cardboard box and straw mat... except a pillow. This method is attractive because we can have our turtles lay eggs only in the room without soil. It's case by case whether it goes well or not. It's very difficult to give a new way to turtles that has already had their own way. It's important to give it to them at early time when we want to give them new way. Thank you for useful information, Chichi & Fluke's owner, . |