The album of two turtles(Vol.3)

<Kamemi vs. Kumosuke 1>

Oh,Kamemi !
Let's talk with me.

(April, 2000)

<Kamemi vs. Kumosuke 2>

Kamemi !

Are you hearing what I'm
talking to you ?

Say something !

(April, 2000)

<Kamemi vs. Kumosuke 3>

Give it a rest !
Let me alone! Be quiet !

(April, 2000)

Kumosuke who lifts his shell high stretching himself and faces Kamemi from her front.

"I'm not inferior to you at all, because I'm such tall, big and strong." (Kumosuke)

But Kamemi is not interested in such him at all.

(April, 2005)

Kumosuke stood
transfixed at Kamemi.

"I can't stay here any more.
I can't stand any more. Because I can't get anytying to eat. I shall go out"(Kamemi)

Kumosuke is shaking his
head to appeal to such kamemi by reeves' way.

(May, 2006)

Kumosuke is interested in Kamemi who enters water very much.

"I look into here because I know Kamemi is in it.(Kumosuke)

"What ? Here is my place.
Go away soon !" (Kamemi)

When he is stared by her like this, he is scared and withdraws his head into the shell.
He seems not to be able to defeat her still yet.

(April, 2005)

Kumosuke has changed
almost black !

One day we noticed his change.  Well!  The yellow pattern in his neck was fading away like this. 

He looks to become a adult tortoise at all.  I'm glad. But...
I also feel a little disappointing, because his cute pattern has disappeared.

This is the phenomenon seen in adult male reeves turtle.

(October, 2000)

It's him before changed.
There were also yellow rings in his eyes.

He could look at the camera firmly like this.

I don't fall behind a pet mode,Kamemi. (Kumosuke)

(March, 1999)

Then... Look me ! I have grown up like this now.

Kumosuke became to be able to climb the steps between rooms easily at last.
He looks joyful every day because he can go anywere he couldn't go before in the house.

"Here is the way to bathroom where was the special place for only Kamemi before.
I can watch the people who go and come in the hall from here as Kamemi always does.

(October, 2004)

Kumosuke with plastic bag

Kumosuke which caught in plastic bag, and walks around with it.
But he never mind about that at all and comes to me

"Look here. I'm very hungry now. Give me somthing to eat."

(July, 2004)

I play hide- and- seek here.
Can't you recognize me, because I'm deep-black and look like a practitioner ?

This is my favorite place here, recently.
Also Kamemi is beside me.
Can you find her ?

(July, 2004)

Good Morning !

Kumosuke can have his room in the living room here when Kamemi spends in the water.

Kumosuke wakes up and appears his face from the towel under the tablein the morning. He says" Good morning!"His face looks much satisfied and happy.

He came to be able to go out of his water place by himself and be able to climb steps between rooms all over the house except one place because he grows. He has remarkably extended the range of his action recently.
(September, 2006)

Kumosuke shook his head for Kamemi. 

"Hey Kamemi!  Look at me, please!"

But She looks unconcerned
with him.

"I'm not interested in you."

Shaking the hand is behavior for making love of menace of reeves turtles.

(November, 1998)

Also Kammemi threats him shaking her hands, when he is too persistent.

But he doesn't understand it at all this time.

? ? ? ? ?

Shaking the hands is behavior for making love or menace of red-eared sliders.

(November, 1997)

He foams at his mouth while making love to her.

(November, 1999)

One morning...

We found a egg by Kamemi sleeping under a cushion like this.

(November, 1999)

Who does appear the face from such a place?

It's looks like a snake, because we can't see her shelter at all.

Oh, no.
I'm a pretty turtle like this.
(November, 1999)

"Kumosuke !" " Here!"
He can answer well raising his hand.

This is a pause that reeves turtles are angry.

(February, 1999)

Kumosuke enters water of a washbasin while looking garden view through the window.

This is a photo of new year's days in my parents' house.

"I felt a little puzzled first,
because I had come to
the other house." (Kumosuke)

(Janyary, 2005)