Let's go and see the thrtles ! (7)
Turtles in the Rose Garden (Tokyo)

I visited the Furukawa Garde(Tokyo) which is famous for the European-style building and the rose garden.

Against the fashonable European-style buildin of stonework that stands on the low hill, the roses with large flower and the vine roses are It is fragrantly in full bloom in the rose garden of the terrace type.It is very graceful atmosphere.

(June, 2006)

The pond of Japanese garden in the back of the rose garden, we can see a lot of turtles.
They are basking on the rocks of the pond.

(Right) A red eared slider which is basking gracefully alone.

I brought some food for turtles that I got from our turtles expecting to meet a lot of turtles.

(June, 2006)

As soon as the food was scattered, a lot of carps and turtles began to gather as you can see..

Many kinds of turtle live happily together in this pond, not only standard kind in ponds, red eared slider or reeves turtle also other kinds of slider and even Japan pond turtle.
(June, 2006)

(Right) A red eared slider and a reeves turtle which have approached for food.

(Left)A Japanese pond turtle which was behind a rock shamefully at first also approached slowly before long andbegan to ask us for food with other turtles.

I felt that every turtles which live in this pond were very friendly and bland.
(June, 2006)